+ LOST +

Searching for Fate
1927, First Film Studio VUFKU (Odesa), 6 parts / 1,605 m
Mark Tereshchenko
Kostiantyn Polonnyk
Oleksandr Ryllo
Heinrich Beisenherz, Vasyl Krychevskyi, Ivan Suvorov
Volodymyr Lisovskyi (pan Tkhorzhevskyi), O. Merlatti (his osavul), Oleksandr Chuverov (an old rural man), Ivan Kapralov (Ostap Mandryka, a young rural guy), Mili Taut-Korso (Solomiia, a house serf), Dmytro Kapka (Ivan, a young rural guy), Oleksandr Malskyi (an old miller), L. Chembarska (an old Roma woman), Mykola Nademskyi (an old Roma man), M. Polishchuk (a young Roma girl), (V.) Borys Zahorskyi (a young Roma man), Istomin (a Turkish officer), Sk(v)oretskyi, K. Rudakov (Turkish guards), Leonid Barbe (a Romanian man with a monkey), Leonid Chembarskyi (Drahoman), I. Korrado (a rich Bulgarian), I. Syzov (an old ferryman), Iryna Insarova (a rural girl)
The film is based on a short novel by M. Kotsiubynskyi At a High Price.
Saving his life from inevitable lord’s punishment, the farmworker Ostap Mandryka escapes to Bulgaria. Injured during the border crossing, he and other escapees manage to get to the place. He faces a lot of hardships and misery. Ostap does not find his happiness abroad and returns home…
The script was approved by the Higher Repertoire Committee on 12 October 1926; it was published as a separate edition; the shooting began on 24 December 1926 and finished on 1 May 1927. The film was released on 19 July 1927 in Kyiv and on 27 January 1928 in Moscow.
The film is lost