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Hero of the Match
Heroes of the Match / Football Fans
1926, Second Film Studio VUFKU (Yalta), 3 parts / 793 m
Leonid Konstantinovskyi
I. Andreiev-Dietkov, Mykola Borysov, Leonid Konstantinovskyi, Oleksandr Zolin
P. Linden
Vladimir Balliuzek
Leonid Konstantinovskyi (Khrapkin, the hero of the match), H. Tankus (Mariika, his wife), H. Rostov (a Professor), Karienina (Professor’s wife), A. (O.) Morozov (Pyzhov), A. (O) Zhdanov (a passerby), Anna Ahramova (a nurse in the kindergarten), Dmytro Kapka
It is a short travesty film about football fans. Initially, Volodymyr Zanoza worked on the film on the basis of Odesa Film Studio VUFKU. The VUFKU administration approved it, however, taking into account the abundance of summer scenery, the group was disbanded, and the shooting was rescheduled for the spring. In the spring of 1926, the script re-written by Borysov was transferred to Yalta Film Studio.
The shooting began on 1 October 1926 and finished on 10 November 1926. Most likely, the film was not screened.
The film is lost.